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Currently, there's no option to select the duration of an appointment, which could be a very useful feature as it would help...
We propose adding a feature to NeetoCal that enables invitees to schedule appointments with the flexibility to set a recurring...
We are using NeetoCal to schedule interview appointments with candidates. When interviewing new job candidates, we need them to...
I'm a techy person and all my clients are techy. They all prefer dark mode.
Implement an integration between DocuSeal and NeetoCal to streamline document management within the scheduling platform. This...
Can we add a Split Payment feature in NeetoCal that automatically divides the total cost of a booking among multiple payment...
Calendly, cal.com and Savvy cal provide support for "Outlook calendar". Can we have it in NeetoCal?
Can we integrate Razorpay as a payment gateway service for Indian customers?
We are using NeetoCal to schedule one-on-one meetings, but we have different types of meetings we'd like to consolidate to...